Monday, December 17, 2012

What's On My Writer's Reference Shelf

Hi, there. I don't think we've been introduced. I'm Michael, Sequential Salon's resident writer-with-no-artistic-talent-whatsoever.

Anyway, Lynne asked at the last meeting for more posting, so I thought I would help out by sharing some about the books on my writer's reference shelf. I have two reference shelves, really; one is general reference for stuff I might want to put into stories someday, and the other is books on writing. Of course, there's no substitute for actually writing, but this stuff is helpful nonetheless. Some of it's comics-specific, some of it isn't, but it's all about story, so that's all right.

Under the cut, because goodness there's a lot of this stuff.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

I'm in Mary Sue!

My art was featured in one of my favorite geek sites The Mary Sue.
Woo I say woo! *dances the cabbage patch*

Link to article

Sunday, August 5, 2012

What It Feels Like To Be A Freelancer

BWAHAHAHAHA! It's so funny because it's true. Ok, now I'm sad.

A video created by They have a video introducing, where they provide free, open-source legal documents. It's not just limited to artists.

Monday, April 23, 2012

The Science of Insight Creation

Jonah Lehrer - Contributing Editor of Wired has a new book out titled, Imagine: How Creativity Works. I was intrigued so I decided to do a quick google search and found this video.

He shares scientific research on how the brain comes to those 'A, ha!' moments, why brainstorming doesn't work, how criticism is essential for creativity, and other tidbits on how creativity works. Planning to check out the book eventually.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Interviewed on Promateurs

Hey everyone! I recently had the opportunity to be interviewed by David Yoon, author of Spoon, and Contreras, author of Blade of the Freak, for their podcast show: Promateurs. Give it a listen when you get a chance.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Character Design and Sihouettes

A cool article using silhouettes to create strong character designs. The rest of the blog is pretty interesting too and worth taking a look.

Thanks to Alex for the heads up.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Figure Drawing with Light Sabers!

For three nights at the Art Students League of New York will have figure drawing sessions with the New York Jedi: Light Saber Enthusiasts Collective.

They are trained martial arts performers who will pose with their custom light sabers and bust a few moves.
Finally figure drawing sessions for the geeky comic artist! Any body interested?

Phyllis Harriman Mason Gallery
January 26, February 23 and March 8
7–10 pm
$5 to sketch
$10 to be a saberist-in-training

More information here.