Tuesday, December 2, 2008

So, you wanna make comics, eh? Part 3: WHY

Note: Wow, it's been over a year since I started this batch of essays. Time flies when you're going insane.

Out of this three part series of essays, this one is probably the most important.

Q: Why?

Because it deals with your motivations as an artist, as a writer, cartoonist, storyteller. Make no mistake, that is the ultimate goal of what we do. We tell stories.

Q: Why?

Because telling stories is what bonds people together. Every family, tribe, community, nation and religion has its story, and often stories within them. We tell stories to entertain, to comfort, to inspire, to warn, to anger, to arouse, to teach. Comics, the roots of which stretch back millennia, is still relatively unexplored as a medium for storytelling.

Q: Why?

Because a lot of people in America still think of comics as campy Batman ZAP BANG POW, juvenile, violent, hyper-sexual, stupid, homosexuality-inducing garbage.

Q: Why?

Because stupid stereotypes that play on the fears of the ignorant take a very long time to dispel. It doesn't help when a particular program is re-run for thirty years.

Q: Why?

Because humanity seems to define their reality through misery; we tend to remember the bad times easier than the good times.

Q: Why?

I'm afraid I don't know.

Q: Why?

Because I'm not a neuroscientist.

Q: Why?

Because I was too busy daydreaming about being a cartoonist when I should have been paying attention in biology class.

Q: Why?

Because telling stories is way more interesting to me than being a scientist.

Q: Why?

Because with comics, you can find ways to communicate ideas and connect with your audience like no other media.

Q: Why?

Because it's like Show & Tell in one easily distributed package.

Q: Why?

You're kidding, right?

Q: Why?

This has got to be some kind of joke.

Q: Why?

All right, who let this doofus in here?

Q: Why?

You're beginning to piss me off.

Q: Why?

Because you won't stop asking that question!

Q: Why?

I don't know; why do you keep asking "why"?

Q: Why?

Because we're not having a real conversation!

Q: Why?

A conversation isn't just questions and answers! It's a discussion and relation of ideas and/or events.

Q: Why?

Because that's the way humans relate to each other and feel less lonely in the world.

Q: Why?

Because that's just how we are!

Q: Why?

We can't be something we're not.

Q: Why?

Because some things are and some things are not!

Q: Why?

Things that are not can't be.

Q: Why?

Because then nothing wouldn't be! You can't have fucking nothing isn't/everything is!

Q: Why?

Because if nothing wasn't, there'd be fucking all kinds of shit we don't like: giant ants with top hats dancing around! There's no room for all that shit!

Q: Why?

Oh fuck you, eat your french fries you little shit goddamn it!

Where was I?

Why do you want to tell the story?

Why use the medium of comics?

Why are you using that style?

Why are you using that media/tool?

Why are you using that line/sentence/panel (how does it serve the story)?

Why does that line/sentence/panel work/not work?

This is the most introspective aspect of creation. I'm sure you'll come up with a few questions on your own as you progress. You don't necessarily have to answer those questions, but it helps to think about them.


FJH said...

Why is your essay so funny Jeff? That is a great post.
Feels like I just read the transcripts of me explaining to my wife why I'm drawing comics on my Blog.

Thanks for putting a smile on my face- that's not a mindless smile but the smile that encompasses the philosophy of your post.

Jeff said...

Hey Francis! The essay is funny because I mercilessly and blatantly ripped off comedian Louis CK.